Expat Yank takes apart the myth of Islamophobia
Aparently after the 7/7 attacks there was a 600% increase in race hate attacks and now poor innocent Islamofacists are too frightend to leave their (taxpayer funded) homes and are cowering under their tables with there (4) wives. Or maybe not as Expat Yank points out, this is actually 269 events (of which only 135 where actually against Muslims) whereas the normal value is 40. Which for a population is 608,000 so the chance of a Muslim being attacked is 0.022%. Except there seems to be something missing from these figures incedents against natives by Islamists such as the 700 people killed or injured by the Islamofacist attacks. But then again the perpetrators of thoughs events where not natives so the multicultists cannot allow the possibly have been motivated by blind religious hatred.
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